Auto Import

The scheme of work is as follows:

It's possible to make a redirect to a secured link to the storage (see below). You can also change the link to which it's needed to redirect (by default, the file name in the CDN is added to the and url4fail link ) if the file path in the file in CDN does not match the file path on the file in storage.

If a large amount of traffic is expected, then with such scheme it is better to pre-import the most popular files so a lot of traffic won't go to the Storage. Or you can change the links to the files in parts, or switch on the traffic for a short period of time in order to fill the queue for adding and switch off the traffic. Then wait when the files in queue will be downloaded to CDN and then again switch the traffic to CDN.

If you want to enable a secure link in NGINX, you will need the module . An example of a host configuration to enable a secure link :

server {
  listen ;
  error_log  /dev/null;
  access_log off;
  location ~ /\.ht { deny all; }
  location /s/ {
    secure_link $arg_md5,$arg_time;
    secure_link_md5 "SECRET_SALT$uri$secure_link_expires$remote_addr";

    if ($secure_link = "") {
        return 403;

    if ($secure_link = "0") {
        return 410;
    alias /home/user/;

SECRET_SALT secret word with any set of characters which you have to inform Support Team of the CDN about. When requesting a file which is not in the CDN, the user will be redirected to this kind of link

How to check delivery through secure virtualhost

You can generate the link for the file /1000/1111/1111.mp4 on the domain


EXPIRES=`date +%s`; EXPIRES=$(($EXPIRES+3600))  # lifetime of the link
REMOTE_ADDR='' # IP from which you will check the link
KEY=`echo -n "$SECRET_SALT$FILE$EXPIRES$REMOTE_ADDR" | openssl md5 -binary | openssl base64 | tr +/ -_ | tr -d =`
echo "$DOMAIN$FILE?md5=$KEY&time=$EXPIRES"