This type of signature could be used in case of some set of files in one folder, e.g.:
/1/2/31.mp4 /1/2/32.mp4 /1/2/33.mp4
Therefore you could generate signed URL for this part
and concatenate different file name without changing signature. Another case of using URL part signature : file names in one subfolder differ with some suffix , e.g.:
/1/2/3_240p.mp4 /1/2/3_360p.mp4 /1/2/3_480p.mp4
This part
could be used for generating signature.
Example of the script for signed URL generation
<?php # link end of life , 3600 - lifetime in seconds $expire = time() + 3600; # file in CDN 1/2/3_720p.mp4 $file_part1 = "1/2/3_"; $file_part2 = "720p.mp4"; $file_part1_len = length($file_part1); $url = ",end=$expire,len=$file_part1_len/$file_part1"; # You can change speed and buffer setting in the URL, by default settings are taken from account`s settings, # or from domain`s settings # #$url = ",end=$expire,len=$file_part1_len/speed=300K/buffer=5.0/$file_part1"; $domain = ''; $secret = 'qwerty'; # ask CDN support about it $key = substr(base64_encode(md5("$secret$url", true)), 0, 22); $key = str_replace('/', '-', $key); $fullurl = 'http://' . $domain . '/key=' . $key . $url$file_part2; # You will get link like # $fullurl == ",end=1374068216,len=6/1/2/3_720p.mp4" ?>
You can specify list of IPs which will not be checked for URL sign ( 'keycheck_whitelist' setting ). Can be set via CDN support.
You can read here about regular URL signature: URL signature